Wednesday, February 9, 2011

~ YES~

Often the word Yes indicates a willingness to do,go or be involved in something.
What, indeed has the word stood for in your world.?
I have had to challenge myself .  For I became VERY aware that YES is ...
When Yes is used for conformation it can be to agree or disagree.
It is indeed a double edged sword.  Cutting through the debris of thoughts and interpretations.
Yes, it is daylight...Yes, there are stars. Yes, the sky appears Blue.
Yes, I do not like that.  Yes, my heart is overwhelmed.  Yes, I am afraid.
Catch the Power ?  Yes, is indeed a very profound word and holds it's breath for no one.
Some are in awe as they encounter the Power of words.
Many do not even pay attention to words, thereby using them indiscriminately.
We must, therefore use words...especially, YES, to our fullest advantage.
When we are affirming a point, the Yes, brings with it a sense of approval.
It holds within it's clutches the empowerment of Can Do.
We enter a room and Yes, foretells how the night will unfold.
Whether it is a Yes , this is good or a Yes, this is not good.
My yes is YES and My no is No.....How is it then, that we defend a negative yes vehemently?
We guard our insecurities as if they were treasures.  Thus treating a negative with honor.
Have you noticed?  Even the best of us must take hold of the Power of YES....
Martin Luther King Jr...John F. Kennedy....Einstein....Steven Hawking....
Thomas Edison.....Benjamin Franklin....Will Smith....
All of these and more, faced their adversity with a resounding YES.
Fought the system...the laws of quantum physics...Politics...Experiments...peer Pressure
Yet their Yes had a POSITIVE Power...It forged it's way to the forefront of their belief.
They saw adversity as the challenge of YES I CAN.....WATCH Me...
They used mishaps as stepping stones....
Did you not know that Edison had 9000 experiments to prefect the telephone.?
Along the way his mishaps caused him to invent & realize facts that were
indeed the stepping stones to his future successes.
All men & woman who fought for their yes in a positive way, made an impact on society.
What about Rosa Parks...Susan B. Anthony....Florence Nightingale....Princess Diana?
All people who had to face the negative form of yes and turn it Inside Out finding within
the Power of Positive truths that catapulted them into a reality not only for themselves but for ALL Men.
Therefore, I need your YES, the World needs your YES, your family needs your YES.....
Most of All ......YOU NEED YOUR YES...
For without it your fullest potential will lay silently on the bottom of the vast ocean
of your thoughts & never be brought up for ALL to be Awed by the Treasure that is YOU.


At February 9, 2011 at 4:16 PM , Blogger Dee Gabinet said...

Dear Fran...your words are like a cool spring breeze to the senses! Yes, yes and YES!! The insight you share gives CLARITY to my own CAN DO...and I thank you :o)

At February 9, 2011 at 4:23 PM , Blogger Kimsyne said...

Wonderful! Thanks for writing such an inspirational article.

At February 9, 2011 at 4:39 PM , Anonymous Linda Gaume said...

Dear Fran...Yes yes yes. There is so much power in the word. And in your words expressing them. Thank you thank you thank you. You are BLESSED with YES.


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